The basic steps for designing a database for a new application are:
Building a database is an iterative process. As you go through the steps, consult with the users regularly to check it meets their needs. Often you'll need to adjust the model as you hone in on what the system must do.
The first step in building a database is to find out what information you need to store. To complete this process, speak with people who will use the system. This could be potential customers or in-house staff in the business.
For example, say you're building a system to manage appointments for hospital clinics. This will allow patients to:
It must store the following information:
These are the functional requirements. i.e. what the system must do to serve its purpose. At this stage you should also capture non-functional requirements. These define how the application works.
For example, all pages in the application must load in under two seconds. These can influence how you build your tables.
The conceptual model is a high-level overview of the information the database will store. It defines key entities in the application. Entities are real-world things the database will store details of.
For the booking system, the key entities are:
The logical model fleshes out the details in the conceptual model. It documents which aspects of the entities the system will store. These are the attributes of the entity. You represent this in an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD).
At this point, we've identified the following information to store:
At this point you may identify new entities. For example, the appointment stores the clinic details. Every appointment at a clinic will be at the same place. Storing the address on each appointment duplicates these details, making data errors likely.
E.g., both the appointments below are for the PHYSIO clinic. But there's a different address for each!
APPOINTMENT_DATETIME CLINIC_NAME CLINIC_ADDRESS 1 SEP 2018 10:00 PHYSIO 1 Hospital Way 2 SEP 2018 12:00 PHYSIO 3 Hospital Street
To avoid this, create a new entity, clinic. This stores the details of each clinic:
The appointment will now store only the clinic's name:
Finding dependencies like this and splitting the tables is a process called normalization. This removes redundant information, ensuring you store each fact once.
The logical model will also define the data types of each attribute. And any constraints that apply. For example, when booking an appointment, the date must be in the future.
You should also define the attributes that uniquely identify each instance of an entity. These will form the primary and unique keys for the tables.
As described above, normalization is the process of removing redundancy in your design. So you store each fact once. This stops data errors appearing.
Normal forms are numbered, starting with first normal form. Followed by second, third, etc. up to fifth. These are usually referred to by their abbreviation, xNF where x is its number. So first normal form is 1NF and so on.
There are a few other normal forms. The most common is Boyce-Codd normal form. This is a refinement of 3NF. So it is sometimes called 3.5NF.
To be in a normal form, you must meet its requirements and those of the forms lower than it. So to reach 3NF, your tables must also be in 1NF & 2NF.
A full discussion of normal forms is outside the scope of this tutorial. For more details on these, read this simple guide to five normal forms.
Once you've built your logical model, it's time to translate this to the physical model. The output of this is the create table statements to build the database.
At this point you should take into account non-functional requirements, such as performance. This will influence which type of table you create. For example, whether to partition it or build an index-organized table.
This leads to the following tables:
create table consultants (
consultant_id integer,
consultant_name varchar2(100)
create table patients (
patient_id integer,
patient_name varchar2(100)
create table clinics (
clinic_name varchar2(10),
address varchar2(1000)
create table appointments (
appointment_id integer,
appointment_datetime date,
clinic_name varchar2(30),
consultant_id integer,
patient_id integer
At this point you may note that we've stored people's names in both the consultant and patient tables. And a person could be both a consultant and a patient! This can lead to recording different names for the same person.
To avoid this, scrap the patient and consultant tables. And create a single table to store people's details instead. For example:
create table people (
person_id integer,
full_name varchar2(100)
Now we have a single place to record all information about people. But there may be details specific to either consultants or patients. For example, consultants have a salary, speciality, and so on. And patients may have a hospital number, etc.
If so, you can create these tables.
create table consultants (
consultant_id integer,
salary number(10,2),
speciality varchar2(30)
create table patients (
patient_id integer,
hopsital_number integer
So we have a supertype/subtype relationship. A supertype is a generalization. It stores attributes common to all the subtype tables below it. A subtype is a specialization. It stores attributes specific to this instance of the parent table above it.
So person is a supertype of consultant and patient. It stores details common to everyone, such as their name and birth date. The consultant and patient tables are subtypes of people. These only store details specific to people who are a consultant or patient.
In the current requirements, there is no need for the subtype tables. So you need to review your needs to determine when you need to combine entities into a supertype. Or split them into subtypes.
Here are some guidelines for determining whether to combine or split tables:
Again, identifying supertypes & subtypes is an iterative process. As you build the database, you may find you need to split a table into subtypes. Or merge two tables into one. Knowing what your application will do and store is key to choosing the correct design.
The process above may take a while to complete. To save time, you may be tempted to go straight from the requirements to storing each appointment as a document in on table, like so:
create table appointments (
appointment_doc varchar2(4000)
There are various document formats such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or XML that allow you to do this.
For example, for each appointment you could store a JSON document like the following:
{ appointmentDatetime: "2018-09-01 10:00", location: { name: "PHYSIO", address: "1 Hospital Way" }, consultant: { name: "Doctor Awesome" } patient: { name: "Miss Sick" } }
But this has many drawbacks. You need to look at the document to know the attribute names. Which makes it harder to query your data.
And it duplicates many details. Such as the clinic address and the consultant and patient names. This can lead to data errors.
For example, this document is for another appointment with Doctor Awesome:
{ appointmentDatetime: "2018-09-01 11:00", location: { name: "PHYSIO", address: "3 Hospital Street" }, consultant: { name: "Doctor J Awesome" } patient: { name: "Mr. Hypochondriac" } }
But this repeats the address error described before. And it stores the doctor's name with their initial, J. This is different to the first appointment. Errors like this can lead to confusion among staff and patients using the system. The time you saved in up-front design is often lost in the ongoing maintenance of the application.
In some cases, storing everything in a single document is the way to go. But taking time to build and create a relational model will make your system easier to use and more flexible to change in the long run.